One of the things that really grabs my attention is when another intuitive says something like, “I don’t need to use Tarot cards, a crystal ball or any other medium. I get my messages directly from Spirit.” Not only does it grab my attention, but it also and makes me sad and here is why: The sentence implies some sort of spiritual or intuitive superiority. As subtle as it is, you know what I hear in that sentence above? I hear ego. A sneaky little egoic statement subtly implying that because they don’t use tools then they are better than those who do. That because they do not use a tool they are perhaps more psychic, more accurate, more in touch with Spirit, “I get the message direct, yo! God? yeah, I’m on his friends and family plan!” The sentence holds up a comparison between intuitive types, clearly disparaging the other. Whenever we, even very subtly, hold up a comparison analysis there is the implication of a winner and a loser.The sentence feels petty and small. There is no need to draw a comparison and to make very wide sweeping statements about the intuitive styles of others. I mean, who do you think you are, anyway mister Master Psychic Man? The sentence implies that those who use such tools are not up to his or her level. There is, sadly, in the intuitive world, an unfair and inaccurate pecking order. In this pecking order Tarot is kind of ‘bottom rung’. Many intuitives, seeking to differentiate themselves from “scary occult” tools will make statements like above, hoping that the client will choose them over a Tarot reader. Of course it is a ridiculous comparison, grounded on nothing. I know, being a Tarot reader, of course I am biased! But nowhere in any of my writings or thoughts would I ever think my way was better than another intuitive. The sentence seeks to shut down, delineate and create separation. When Spirit Workers make statements like above, mostly it makes me sad because we all have a enough of a hard time being accepted by society at large, we need one another, we need to support one another and create the community we are all looking for; a community of dreamers, intuitives, artists and world builders. We are being shown very concretely that our way of life is destructive. Our first actions as intuitives trying to be a part of the shift in consciousness is to uplift, engage and create inclusion. The sentence is just incorrect. The only pecking order there is is with the ability of the intuitive, and the connection that intuitive makes with the sitter. It does not matter whether they use Tarot, wind, angels, guides or simply their own ability to connect with Spirit… if the sitter leaves feeling she got much out of the time, or felt that what she came in for was helped in some way, then that is beautiful. THAT is the litmus test, not petty squabbling and in-fighting in the intuitive community. The sentence does not acknowledge the incredible study, intricacy and complexity that Tarot is. To get to the level of a Master Tarot reader, it requires many thousands of hours of application and ongoing education about the tool. Did you know that there are 1.2 trillion different possible combinations in a 10 card spread alone? (Tarot Professionals) A good Tarot reader is more than just learning to memorize the 78 cards, she needs to get a feel for every single possible combination, have a good 10 to 20 different Tarot spreads under her belt (if not more). And attune the natural intuitive ability she has into Tarot. That takes a lot of work! The work is worth it, though because a Master level Tarot reading is a powerful, empowering, beautiful experience. The sitter can see for themselves why I am saying what I am saying instead of just having to take my word for it because I said one or two things that rang true. The sentence is clearly unaware of the special nature of Tarot Laying out the Tarot, pointing to cards and images and allowing the visual nature of the tool enhance natural intuition is a collaborative, conversational process. The sitter can see how different aspects of a situation are blocking or flowing into one another, it adds context and nuance to the message. Unlike an intuitive session where the intuitive is talking and the sitter is reading passively, with Tarot (and my sessions at least) the sitter’s intuition is also coming to the table, empowering the message from Spirit. The sentence implies that there is a wrong and a right way There are many, many ways to get connect with Spirit and to listen to Messages. Not one of them is wrong or less than the other. Personally, I love the beautiful diversity that is the gift of the intuitive mind and God/Higher Spirit/the Source… whatever label that is, whatever we call That… well, it is infinitely abundant, like the sun it doesn't matter if the receptacle is a leaf, plankton floating on the sea, or a solar panel… the point of connection is made. And when that happens... magic happens.
3/28/2014 03:29:33 am
I totally love this post!! I personally use tools and spirit not just one. It doesn't have to be just one way. Besides everyone's energy is different so at least I know I have choices with who I work with.
3/28/2014 04:08:58 am
Oh my gosh Jenna - I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this article!!!
I totally agree. The not-so-subtle putdowns really irk me more than they should. I'd like to laugh it off and sometimes do. I think this post will help with that. To me it's obvious what the person is doing. I just hope they don't fool someone that is actually vulnerable and in need of advice.
3/28/2014 04:59:44 am
If you only have one or two clients in a day, then maybe. But, for the people who have one to three clients an hour on an event day, it would be impossible to disconnect and clear in time for the next client session. The last clients content would bleed or be repeated into the next client session.
3/28/2014 07:49:40 am
Well said Vide Diva Queen of Wands! I need to schedule my next reading with you.
3/28/2014 09:20:09 am
Excellent post, Jenna! Thanks for setting the record straight!
3/28/2014 12:35:53 pm
Oh, dear heavens.. Thank you a thousand times over for this.. Even some of my dearest spiritual teachers have gotten snooty with me as if Tarot is a "crutch" or a lower level I need to graduate from.. LOVE this!!!
I was thinking about your statement about spiritual teachers and Tarot. I think there is an incredible synergy that happens after working Tarot for so long, it becomes equal to any one else's gifts but because those other teachers did not work Tarot that long or go that deep with it, they might have a half-baked opinion about how it really operates. Its kind of like Spider Man telling the Green Lantern that he is less awesome because he uses a ring. Meh, we all get there in our own way. :)
3/29/2014 02:43:57 am
YES! Exactly. :-) 3/28/2014 01:52:51 pm
Wonderful article, Jenna. It astonishes me when people create a competition through self-assigned spiritual superiority. Ironically, it's an all too human disclaimer for the purported wisdom. It covertly imports a human value system concerning what is to count as "better". They should know better! (all irony fully intended).
3/29/2014 11:44:14 am
Donna, very well said. Anytime anyone creates language where they are better than the other that their way is better than others then its time we look deeply behind the curtain they are trying to fall upon us.
3/28/2014 02:04:27 pm
Thank you so much for this post! When I was a younger lass and just starting to read the cards, it was definitely implied that tarot was a "crutch" and that as I "got better" at intuition I would probably lose the cards. I would seek permission from other intuitives that using a tool was okay... even went so far as to ask a teacher of a six week class about it: fortunately she was one of the ones that said that if tarot helped me make that connection, then it was certainly not a crutch!
3/28/2014 05:05:29 pm
I think your judgement of the psychic is more telling than their statement about not using cards. They are merely stating how they work. You reading into and judging what they say is more to do with your issue with people who do not use cards.
Hi Wellbeing London...
3/29/2014 04:06:23 am
I just want to support Jenna here. Wellbeing of London, you're making the same point: it isn't or shouldn't be about judging methods. In fact many of "us" Tarot readers do or can also use other methods! Not always involving "tools" - but we might prefer that. The point isn't about which is best, it's about the small-mindedness of those people who DO judge some ways as "inferior".
3/28/2014 06:37:13 pm
Huh...being a newbie to this, I had no idea. I just marvel at how each of you has a special gift and unique way to access it. Sheesh, politics really are everywhere.
3/29/2014 02:15:09 am
Janice.... :)
4/2/2014 06:42:20 am
Snobbery exists in the Tarot community as well.
4/7/2014 09:29:41 am
He Helene,
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories