It is a joy for me to help provide people with clarity around their burning questions, the Tarot is like a forecast, a spiritual weatherman that acts as a probability calculator, giving us an insight of most likely outcomes and events. If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission. A friend of mine and I hit it off a few months ago and having been dating ever since. What is the potential outcome of this relationship?--M.B.
Will work out if I buy a house in a month or two?--Debbie
When will my stable dream job manifest? Where? My contract ends in June, and I need the next career move soon.--Stephanie
It is a joy for me to help provide people with clarity around their burning questions, the Tarot is like a forecast, a spiritual weatherman that acts as a probability calculator, giving us an insight of most likely outcomes and events. If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission. Querent #1Taren Hi Jenna, My question is should I sell my business?
Querent #2 Lisa I'd love to ask for a reading! My question would be about my relationship with Joe, Where is this leading us? Thank you so much!
Querent #2 Theresa Will I gain employment soon? Theresa
June Issue One: Will Courtney’s family finally get the breathing room they so need and deserve? Which place would be best for Kathy? And will Tom and the mother of his child ever get to a working relationship built on mutual respect? Dear Jenna (that’s me!) answers their questions below! Querent #1 Courtney My family and I have been struggling with financial matters for the last year and a half as my husband took a new job he thought would bring us better security. Will this get better or should we be looking for other opportunities? Help
Querent #2 Kathy Dear Jenna, If I buy my rental in Gatineau, will I be happy there or should I purchase new in Ottawa. Should I continue to rent? I need clarity. Thankyou
Querent #3 Tim Will the mother of my son and I ever get to a place where we get along?
If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer just let me know) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission.
For more information about Jenna as well as to book readings, please visit |
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories