4/wands is often called completion. Perhaps that opportunity, that relationship, a job or so on has reached a new level of stability and understanding and now you can take a deep breath and celebrate the milestone you have achieved. Perhaps your friends and family are there to recognize your success with you, welcoming you home with garlands of flowers you enjoy this joyous carefree time. Success of this type can often mean attaining something that is true to who you are and the feeling is expansive. When we feel expansive and open we might also feel carefree, excited and open minded. If you do not feel you are at this point yet in regards to an aspect of your life, visioning this time later on in your daily meditations will help its actual manifestation into your life. 1. Do you allow yourself to celebrate your successes? Do you take compliments and attention from those who love you well, or do you turn the praise aside? 2. What are you working on that is an expression of your truth? 3. Do you visualize the act of completion and celebration now? Is your mind tuned towards positive outcomes or negative worries in regards to this project? 4. What will completion of this project look like for you?
3/wands speaks to the part of ourselves who are the leaders, the dreamers, who see long term opportunities down the road. Look out across the far horizon and see what opportunities are in store for you. 3/wands indicates a time of continued growth, strategic long term visioning and stepping back to see the forest for the trees especially in terms of work, projects, and all kinds of creative endeavors. Expansion is possible but keep a keen eye on the overarching tone and message of your expression. Make sure everything is in alignment for your continued success. 3/wands can also indicate a time when we are focusing too much on small details. 1. I have been overly focusing on these details but I am not sure how they are connected to the overall view of my success... 2. When I think about next steps for my personal growth, this is the plan I would like to implement for myself. 3. Sometimes what I want and what I do are not in alignment. Here are some areas of my life that I need to change so that they are in alignment with what I ultimately want for myself. 4. This is where I am heading...
Tarot Maximo
It takes great courage to face opposition and stand your ground. Fighting for our truth against a sea of others united against you is so romantic, so difficult and yet so beautiful that it is the premise of 90% of the stories coming out of Hollywood. The challenge of the individual is truly an enduring story that Americans love hearing because it is part of the American cultural topography. 7/wands is about holding your ground, being defiant in the face of adversity and fighting off those who seek to gain what you have worked so hard for. While it is something we all love to hear about, the underdog-hero fighting against great opposition, we often do not commit to speaking our truth when our own feet are put to the fire. Many times the pressure to conform or give in is so great that we do not feel it is worth the fight. One of my favorite quotes (though I do not know who coined it) is, "Which hill do you want to die on?" By picking our battles, fighting for what is truly important to us, and letting go of other petty squabbles we gain in nobler qualities such as discernment, wisdom and self knowledge. 1. What disagreements are you currently engaged in that you really should let go of? 2. In what areas of your life do you need to take more of a stand? What is stopping you from doing so? 3. In the areas where you need to take a stand, what are you prepared to lose? What is worth the fight? 4. How do you deal with bullies, passive aggressive or controlling behaviour by others? |
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories