March brings a plethora of Major Arcana and Swords cards to the horoscope line-up. This indicates that there is a lot of big transformations this month for some and some big intellectual/communication for others- some of it difficult. This makes sense at least from where I am, as we are still in the hands of winter and we have more time than usual to think and to ponder things in our life without the yet joyful presence of spring, we ache for it yet it is still tauntingly out of reach. Pisces—2/Pentacles Wow, Pisces, you got 2/Pentacles, AGAIN! Since we are currently in your sign this is not surprising, the juggling pentacles does remind me of swimming fish in a way. This is the month to continue to explore, find out options, talk to people, and stay open in the dynamic energy that surrounds you. Nothing definite, yet, but it is certainly on its way. Aries—King/swords This month requires a lot of communication, a clear mind, and a desire to use your brain matter for projects of all types. If you have been holding off on something (like taxes) this is the month to do them. Also, if you are teaching or mentoring someone this month is a good month to really catch their attention. If you have not been living in your mind lately, this is the call to stretch those brain neurons into high gear. Lastly, if you have not been to the Doctor in a while now is the time to get your checkup. Not that anything is wrong, but often the King/Swords can mean to me seeing a doctor or dentist for your baseline. Taurus—The Sun This month with the sun completely reverses lasts month adage to, “lay low.” March will be filled with warmth, community, friendships, positivity and community. You seem to be at the right place in the right time to accept good vibrations and meaningful discourse with many. Allow yourself to be the conduit of Grace, be good, generous, and warm to others; watch that warmth be returned to you. Gemini—The Star I am wondering if your Queen/Swords (and all of her focused intellectual energy) is paying itself off this month with the Star. The Star often means a wish being granted; what have been wishing for, Gemini? The Star is also the card of hope and inspiration, I often think of this card as a “It’s going to be alright” kind of message, things are turning for the better and you are not only going to be ok, you are going to be great. Cancer—Ace/Swords If something came to an end for you last month, this month oozes determination, direction, and focus. The Ace can also signify enforcing strong boundaries with others as well as endeavoring to have awkward conversations. Is there someone in your life that you have needed to talk to but you knew it wouldn’t go over to well? This is the month to take a deep breath and say what you need to say. Leo—The Tower The Tower can signify a sudden accident or injury. I would recommend to you that you check for ay vulnerability in your life, things at work, in your relationships, your car-all ok? The Tower can mean a flat tire, work troubles, a relationship that is rocky. In my experience the Tower is usually a long time coming, something you might be avoiding until it is impossible to avoid. Look deeply into your life and examine the vulnerable areas, see what you can take care of now. Virgo—8/Pentacles March can be a very productive month for you. This is the month for your own focus, route work, getting things done for the sake of your own desire to do things well is on tap for you this month. Largely, the rest of your life is calm enough to support your focus which is a great thing, knock it out Virgo! Libra--3/Cups March looks like there could be a celebration or a fun time with friends and loved ones this month, are you going on vacation? Whether big or small, a break to enjoy life is really where the energy is moving. If you do not have plans perhaps you can make some, cultivate fun Libra! Scorpio—Knight/Swords March’s energy is about being fair. If there has been something or someone who has been unfair to you or others now is the time to speak up. Even if it does not directly concern you, it’s time to speak up. If someone or something is being oppressed, it’s time to speak up. If someone or something needs a champion, it’s time to speak up. I know this sounds esoteric, but I have a feeling that you will know exactly when this moment happens. Sagittarius—Strength This month is also pleasant, Sagittarius. Strength in your Tarotscope indicates a time of health, working on your health and feeling the radiant energy and vibrancy that one gets from making their bodies and mind a priority. If you stepped away from some earlier goals it is time to recommit to them. Work out, walk, drink life sustaining things, eat green things, meditate, love, and shine. Come back to this. Capricorn--5/Swords If you are looking for work you might get a job this month. If you are in any position where you are competing with others (work, buying a house, art projects, etc.) you will mostly likely succeed in beating others out for your goal. This card to me often represents your success in a competitive environment, you have an advantage. Aquarius—8/Cups Last month, you had the energy of the Devil in your midst and this month you get 8/cups suggesting that whatever was holding you back is no more-you are ready to begin again even if the road is unclear. You do not need know all 50 steps to transform, you just need to know the first two. Feel your way out.
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories