Capricorn- 4/Pentacles: Happy Birthday, Ram! I hope you have a great day. January asks that you be judicious with your resources, perhaps you overspent in December and now is the time to buckle down and be careful about your outputs. This might mean starting a budget or at least get a sense of what your spending and why. This advice goes for all your resources such as your time, your attention your helpful nature; be discerning about who gets it and make sure to leave some for you. If someone makes you feel guilty because you say no then it may be time to reevaluate the relationship. Aquarius- Strength: The Strength card shows up as we are approaching your birthday, water-bearer, and no one loves their birthday quite as much as an Aquarian. January is a month that highlights robust health, wellness and a sense of equilibrium between different parts of yourself. January may mean getting a big project out the way or many projects since your energy level will most likely be even and sustained throughout the day. This month may also emphasize working on your relationship with a pet. Pisces- 4/Swords: December wore you out, Pisces! Just when December should give us a rest, and the holiday season often preventing that, January hits hard when we are still feeling perhaps a bit tired. Outside of work, try to rest and take care of you. Your sign tends to get ill when over extended so self- care if called for especially in January. What does rest look like to you? When was the last time you actually rested? Also, guilt for resting has no place here. Aries- 6/Wands: January will include a big win for you, Aries. This big win will be from something you have been working on for a while; it could be a personal relationship that takes on a new leaf or possibility, it could be a work project that is successful or even a promotion. It’s a great start to a new year and all that work is going to pay off into something wonderful and positive for you! Taurus- Ace/Swords: This card to me is often advice and the advice for you in January is to be impeccable with your word, be honest to a fault and to have communication that drives at honesty and boundaries negotiation even if the conversation is difficult to have with another. This card was given to you because there could be a situation that requires you to do all that I mentioned above in order to be successful. I know you dislike hurting feelings or making things uncomfortable for others but sometimes we have to speak our truth. Let it out so you can move on, bull. Gemini- The Hanged Man: There is going to be so much you will want to do and learn and talk about, Gemini! But, the Hanged Man is your lot for January meaning that there will be roadblocks everywhere you turn and you will just not get as much done as you had planned. You goal is to accept the roadblocks and sluggish timing for what they are and try to be patient. This card is also a card of sacrifice so there is a sense that the roadblocks are because if you wait, everything will be better in the long run. Gemini’s love to rush headlong into things but this January take some time to reflect and be strategic about your plans, in fact you will be forced to be so… take it easy. Cancer- 9/Swords: It is really important that you take the time to create self-care because it would seem that for various reasons, January will be an anxious month for you. Sometimes we are very hard on ourselves in January; especially to our bodies, filling ourselves with self-recriminating resolutions based on what we thing are our flaws and drawbacks. Cancer, I want you to include a new year’s resolution such as, “I will be gentle with myself. I will love myself- no ifs and buts, or exceptions!” Anxiety is best dissipated when we give it our loving attention, breathing love into our centers until it goes away. A loving spiritual practice could also be very helpful for you at this time. Leo- The Wheel of Fortune: Leo it looks like your luck may be on the downturn in January. Games of chance or anything that requires luck will not work in your favor. This month may also not be a good time to negotiate on large purchases like houses or cars. Keep your money in your pocket and play it safe. Virgo- Knight/Swords: Relentlessly communicate your needs, Virgo. January is calling for you to create an argument, if you have to, if your needs or wishes have been swept under the rug so far. There is no need to be mean about it but sometimes being subtle means not being heard. There is a call to make waves this month as you clearly communicate what you want, no, what you need. This is not the time to play small, others need to be told loud and clear you are not one to be trifled with! Libra- 8/Wands: January is going to be a very busy, high energy month for you, Libra, and your only job is to keep up because the fast moving energy is largely positive and a part of your transformation for 2014. It is very important to remain open and positive about the fast moving changes and projects on your plate for they will be very important in helping you later on. Shutting down or blocking this high-paced energy will only work against you because it is a force meant to help you, it may feel overwhelming at times but ride that big wave to shore. Scorpio- 2/Pentacles: There will be some chaos and changes in January for you Scorpio, but it is nothing you cannot handle. The month may see movement as in literal moving of home or job or just a lot of things up in the air without a sense of how they will land. Your job is to keep moving despite what might feel like an ambiguous time; shifting moving changes without the sense of how it will all play out. You got this. Saggitarius- 5/Pentacles: Perhaps you overspent in December because January' card for you speak to anxiety about money and resources. Perhaps everything is coming in all at once and you are trying to manage your anxiety, whatever your situation is the key word here is anxiety and a period of heightened worry. Self care and being gentle with yourself and your abilities this month, Sag, take it easy and go slow. It is ok to slow the pace for a little while until you feel you have a handle on everything.
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories