Coming your way monthly, three people are chosen for a free 3 card reading. This month we talk about passion- both of the heart and the mind, when to follow that and when the rent might be due! Dear Jenna handles them all! Jamie recently started dating David and wants to know if this relationship will last.
Ambiguous In Academia has a long term job that is loved but Is thinking that a change of scenery might be needed. Would there be regrets?
Jonathan wants to know if he should follow his passion for art or go for the stable job and income.
If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer just let me know) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission. For more information about Jenna as well as to book readings, please visit
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories