I think the world needs a Dear Jenna column and so to that end I will be offering 6-3 card readings a month in two editions. If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission. Querent #1 Linda Linda, I pulled 3 cards for you and they were: Temperance, Queen of Swords, and 3 of Cups. The reading suggests that your efforts at slimming down will be hindered by all parties and events you snack at, you social butterfly! Temperance in the first position tells me that you tend to start off really strong and then lose your focus over time. Temperance reminds you that, ‘slow and steady wins the race’. Queen of Swords indicates that you need to be very detail oriented about tracking your nutrition as well as your work-outs in order to be successful. So the answer in a nutshell is yes, you can lose the weight but watch it when you go out and you need to better track your ins and outs. Good luck on your endeavour! Submission #2 Giovanna Dear Giovanna, I pulled the following cards regarding your question and I got: Ten of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, and 2 of Swords. Ten of Pentacles indicates your deep desire for a stable, calm home that is conducive to family life but 2 of Swords indicates that you are having trouble deciding which options might be the best for you. Queen of Wands indicates that the first priority is that the location of the home be easy for your work commute or have a nice home office if you work from home. Do not rush trying to move right now until you find the place that is right for you, it just does not look like it is going to work out for you just yet. Querent #3 Theresa Dear Theresa, I pulled these three cards in concern with your question: 7 of Wands, 8 of Wands, and Ace of Wands. It suggests that where you are now working is very fast-paced and a very creative energetic environment. I think you will personally thrive in this place but do be careful about taking on more projects or jobs than you can handle, the 7 there is a warning to hold your ground (i.e. your work life balance) and make sure that in all the high energy you are not burning out. Other than that, it looks great and that you will have a lot to contribute to your new job, congratulations!
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories