It is a joy for me to help provide people with clarity around their burning questions, the Tarot is like a forecast, a spiritual weatherman that acts as a probability calculator, giving us an insight of most likely outcomes and events. If you have a question you would like me to answer here in this column, please email me at: [email protected]. Column submissions will be first name only (or anonymous, if you prefer) and only those who are used in the paper will be contacted regarding their submission. Querent #1 Missy Dear Jenna, I have had many un-reciprocated loves and am currently emotionally tied to someone unavailable. [Again.] Will there be anyone who will treat me seriously and return my feelings? Missy, I pulled 3 cards for you and they were: The Hanged Man (reversed), 2 of Wands (reversed) and King of Wands. This run suggests to me that it takes two to tango and you are getting in your own way by choosing unavailable loves (unconciously or conciously). The Hanged Man reversed indicates to me that there is some deeper fear or truly and deeply surrendering to the process of a love- a fear of sacrifice- this often can happen when we have been hurt in the past. 2 of Wands suggests that the first step for you is to get very clear about who you are looking for and why, rather than playing darts in the dark and hoping for a bullseye. The King suggests that there IS someone for you out there but he does not come along until you are ready to see him. Good luck, x Submission #2 Marta “Dear Jenna, In a month I am going to move to London... I am going to look for a job there and start a part time master. What will this big change bring into my life? Surprises in store? :) an insight is much appreciated!” Dear Marta, I pulled the following cards regarding your question and I got: Judgement, Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Wands (reversed). I wonder if he Judgement card means that you will go but not return as you will make your home there, the Queen also supports this interpretation. This change is the culmination of many things that did not work for you or a difficult path but truly things are about to change for you. The only caveat here is that there is a warning: do not expect things to come together as quickly as you are imagining, the reversed 8 of wands is a clear indication that things will take their time to formulate; you are in this for the long haul. Querent #3 Deb:
Recently I lost my job, and my husband has had a health issue that has prevented him to return to work.. Prayers he can return within the 90 day window. I have interviewed for some positions but everything is on hold it seems.. Can you please share insight for the future. Dear Deb, I pulled these three cards in concern with your question: 7 of Swords (reversed), 5 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles. As much as I truly wish and desire to give you the message you desperately need, the initial indication is that things will be on hold a little while longer. I feel like the 7 there is indicating some very unfair situation for your husband in regards to how work might be treating his recovery and the 4 of pentacles indicates a longer time of careful money management. 5 of cups indicates that you might have a hard time accepting the reality of the situation and I am very sorry for it. The news is not terrible but it is also not what you are really wanting to hear: hang tight. Have a question you would like me to answer? Send it to [email protected]!
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories