So long, farewell 2016! It's been real, hasn't it? We lost a lot of amazing public figures. We had a lot of political upheaval and we just need to take a breather, bake some cookies and kiss our loved ones. This December is fairly gentle despite Mercury going retrograde for the bulk of it. I think we all need a little breather. Try to finish 2016 gently, she had a rough time.
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It is obvious, from the card pulls, that everyone is reorienting after Mercury stationed direct on September 22nd. So many of the messages for everyone appear to revolve around balance and authenticity. I have decided to make some small changes to my Tarot Scope format, I hope you like them! As always, may October bring you astounding gifts of truth and grace. Libra—6 of Cups
Scorpio—Knight of Wands
Sagittarius—4 of Cups
Capricorn—6 of Swords
Pisces—Knight of Pentacles
Aries—The Emperor
Taurus—King of Pentacles
Gemini—7 of Cups
Leo—The Hermit
Virgo—The Lovers
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Happy birthday, Virgo! I I love Virgos, so thoughtful, so careful, so capable of loving and being loved, as a chaotic Gemini I find time spent with Virgos to be calming and centering. Don't ever change, you! So we are in a Mercury Retrograde until September 22nd. You know the score, back up your tech, make sure you are being extra careful with travel, and try not to be overly sensitive with miscommunication and misunderstandings, as you know communication is going to be off. There is a lot of good in this tarot scope however, may it resonate with you! Virgo—The Hermit Reversed Happy birthday, Virgo! The hermit reversed indicates that you will have to fight against the natural tendency to pull on your pajamas and put on Netflix at 6pm every night after work. Make a concerted effort to go out and meet people, take a new class, learn a new hobby, hit the gym. This card’s reversal indicates that the time in quiet contemplation is over, get out and make a splash somewhere. Libra—3 of Wands September will be a very productive month. You are going to be in full on planning mode for the rest of fall with a sudden sharpness and ability to focus that you have been fighting for all summer long. Rest easy, Libra, the clouds will lift and it will seem as if you are running on a full tank of the premium stuff. Don’t let this amazing focus and drive go to waste. Scorpio—8 of Pentacles This month you will certainly be ‘taking care of business’ tackling the many small errands as well as the large picture, you will get done in this month what previously would have taken you 3. Go ahead and start mapping out what you wish to take care of because you are like a locomotive baby, barreling down the track. Sagittarius—The Star Make a wish, say your prayers, when the Star appears in a reading I often take it mean that the Universe is listening. You are not alone. You are not insignificant. Your trials, your pain, your effort is noticed. This month do not be afraid to ask for what you need, the universe will collude to help you. Capricorn—9 of Wands You might find work to be difficult; every idea, way forward of problem solving situation you try to implement will be blocked; in fact the energy for everything around you will be argumentative, difficult, will make you question your judgement. But, 9 of Wands is a profound card insomuch as it also tells you to keep going while telling you it will be difficult. A difficult progression can trick us into thinking that our judgement or choices were wrong, not so here. You are on the right path but you will be tested this month in how you handle it. Aquarius—The Moon You may find yourself sleeping less deeply, awakening in the middle of the night full of dreams, fears, and hopes for the Moon rules you this month. It could be a time where your anxiety will feel greater than normal and you will question your way forward. When the Moon rules, we need to listen to our gut, for our intuition, as illogical as it can be sometimes is the way forward. If you feel confused about things this means you need silence, you need moon time, you need the night to show you the way. If there are things you are seeking an answer to, you will not get the clarity you need this month, there is a delay on making things final. Pisces—10 of Wands September sees you hitting the ground running, you will be working incredibly hard to make things come together and at times you will wonder if it was worth it, if you are making the right choice, if suffering has to be part of this process. The answer is yes to all of these. You can rest later but right now you are being called to push and extend yourself to maximum effort. Aries—3 of Cups All work and no play makes Aries a dull boy and the call here for you is to try to focus on your social life and seeking joy in your world. No one inviting you out? Send out the invitations, host a party, and bring people into your world. You are not alone, you don’t live to work, Aries, you know how to do this; go out and have some fun! Taurus—10 of Pentacles No rest for the weary, or the wicked, my dear. September is chock full of work, schedules, to do lists, planning and you may feel like you are burning the candle at both ends. I feel the emphasis here is that you need to focus, you need to plan, you need to embrace the high octane energy that is September. Take your vitamins and try to get good sleep, you are going to need it! Gemini—King of Wands During this mercury retrograde and as one so effected by it, the King of Wands gives us some insight into the areas that need renewal, review, and recovery; and that is the area of your creative life. Do you have some projects that have been hanging in a dusty online file somewhere, but you cannot stop thinking about? Now is the time to clean it up and breathe potential possibilities in its direction. Cancer—Wheel of Fortune Have you been dealing with an off again, on again relationship? This can be lovers, friends or family members–someone where the energy between the two of you is not stable its always up and down. Well, this month is emphasizing the chaotic energy of this relationship, how are you going to take yourself off of this Merry Go Round, Cancer? Leo—The High Priestess The H.P. here does not show up often in my Tarotscopes. She keeps herself hidden from view and only appears when some important information is being relayed. Listen to your intuition this month, keep an eye out for karmic messages and inklings that will favor you. You will find yourself with dreams and sudden insights regarding relationships, decisions, and self-understanding. This is potentially a game changer of a month, Leo. Feeling the might of the Mercury Retrograde bearing down upon you? Time for a reading! 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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories