Leo – 4/cups: Happy birthday, Leo! Sometimes during our birthday, we take a moment to evaluate last year and plan for the next. 4/cups can often signify a month where we are re-evaluating some themes in our life and the birthday month is the best time to do it. What is working for you, my lion, and what do you need to put down? This card also signifies a time in reflection and in engaging in alone space (including the internet!) which I know is not Leo’s happiest social environment. It is time to engage the person who knows you best, you! In August, endeavor to create time alone and in contemplation. Virgo—The Lovers: August could be a loving month for you, Virgo. Taking August to create and sustain loving energy in a passionate, romantic and sensual way is a highlight this month so if you are single and looking; get on out there! If you are in a committed relationship, move to bring more passion and reconnection with that partner in your life. Since the Lovers is about choices, maybe August is the month to decide if a relationship is working for you, or if you should move on to a love that is a better compliment to your needs. Libra—King/Pentacles: Keep your mind on your money and money on your mind, Libra! The King/Pentacles is about outward expression on practical matters. If you have a financial or house concern on your mind, use August to work on creating more wealth or stop financial bleeding. This card also can also indicate helping or mentoring others in practical matters, so keep your ears peeled for opportunities where you can help others gain greater financial independence. Is your check balanced, the window fixed, your car in order, and your business straight? The energy of August is in alignment with these goals for you now. Scorpio—3/cups: August highlights your social life, Scorpio. Make sure August is about strengthening your social life, your friendships and especially friendships with women. Do you allow yourself time to celebrate for all that hard work you do the rest of the year? Also highlighted is enjoying time spent outside in nature and taking advantage of summer while it is still here. Call up your friends and host a party, Scorpio; bring your friends close to you. Sagittarius—The Chariot: While August might be the last bit of slow down until the frenetic business of autumn for many, it looks like a very busy time for you! It’s important to keep engaging energetically on your projects so that they can be sustainable for the rest of the year. You don’t get any rest this month; keep pushing forward to make it happen for yourself. The goal is not as important and keeping the momentum going in general; what have you been slacking on? Its time to get going. Capricorn—The Wheel of Fortune: August feels like it will be a very lucky time for you. It feels the energy around you is supportive for random “chance” to fall favorably your way. Instead of buying another lottery ticket, however; how about asking for the raise you know you deserve, to negotiate for your needs in a relationship, or to put a bid on a house. Taking chances may be working in your favor for the month of August. Aquarius—5/Wands: August brings to you the energy of friendly competition, water-bearer. Now, I know competition and confrontation may not be your cup of tea, but all those ideas and lofty ideals you have need to get out into the world, which means engaging with others who have different viewpoints. If you do not manage conflict it will come to you on its own so August is asking that you control the flow by creating initiates in your life that are competitive in origin; you are worth the cause water bearer! Pisces—King/Cups: August is about helping others this month. The King/Cups is the outward expression of the Cups suit which corresponds to relationships, compassion, art, intuition, healing and spirituality The King indicates that you need to use August to help others in some way that is in alignment with the healing element of cups. The Rider Waite Smith deck shows a King with a fish necklace about his neck, this card could not be a more Pisces card, so this month is about you swimming deeper into who you really are and owning it, taking care of others is taking care of yourself. Aries—Strength: Strength implies a month where you will need to balance the needs of your mind and the needs of your heart, O Ram. Finding balance between our fiery natures with our cool contemplativeness will be needed for you as the card suggests that August will test your balance in some way. It goes both ways; too, there might be some issues in your life that you are over-analyzing that would be best resolved as you feel your way through. For the month of August, ask yourself; Is this situation best served by thinking, or feeling, right now? Taurus-- 5/Swords: The month of August asks that you start thinking more about yourself, even if that means making others angry or disappointed. This month you will face a situation where you will have to act for your own good, knowing that as a result you may be misjudged to be selfish or unethical. It’s not a good place to be in but I want you to know that taking care of yourself is more important than the passing judgment of others. Gemini-- 4/Pentacles: August is about holding onto your money, Gemini (so hard for a Gemini, I know!) 4/Pentacles in its basest form is “selfishness” but I see this for you as meaning being conservative about what you are spending and who you are spending it on! And… 4/pentacles shows up as the advice because you will be greatly tempted to part ways with you resources in August. Rethinking or re-evaluating major financial decisions absolutely needs to be considered during August, avoid gambling or anything that parts you from your money. Cancer—Queen/Swords: I could not think of a more opposite card, naturally, to a Cancer but Queen/Swords could fit the bill. Queen/Swords is the internal expression of the Swords suit which is intellect, truth, justice, and communication. August is going to ask you to think with your head more than your natural intuitive/heart considerations. Strive to think clearly, to ask yourself, “what is the agenda?” while in communications with others and to keep your nostalgic/emotional self at bay. Usually this card also can mean looking into this workstyle for August; get tough and drive at the truth!
7/30/2013 11:04:02 am
Great work, Jenna! Really resonating with my Sag-Cap+Scorp combo in regards to what I have coming up and my own personal goals within and outside of those things.
7/30/2013 02:50:58 pm
You are certainly most welcome and my what a trine you have there!
7/31/2013 02:31:31 am
Thanks! Not technically a trine, though quite a triple crown or rockin' triplet. Your Scopes ripple music through the fire-waters... oh, I guess that would be plasma. :-) Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories