For this month’s Tarotscope, I felt like doing something a little different; adding a little, you know, ‘spring’ to your step. So I have chosen a Tarot Anthem for you for this month. For each sign’s tarotscope I have also associated a song, your own personal anthem; consider it a culmination of the feeling, and weather pattern in play for you right now. Aries--3/The Star Happy birthday, Aires! Yes, you are quite the Star this month as we are swinging through your natal house and rams do like loving attention, yes they do. The Star’s appearance reminds me of Bob Marley’s “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright” and it sure is, my friend for this card means hope springs eternal. If there has been anything on shaky ground for you, something that has been keeping you tossing and turning at night in anxiety, it turns a corner and you can lay that to rest. Taurus-- Queen of Swords This Queen’s appearance in your horoscope often means that you must take on her attributes which are to be more strategic and less emotional right now. It’s business time, my friend and even among your friends; take care of business first. Deal with any contracts, negotiations, paperwork, your taxes--if there is anything that is hanging in this realm buckle down and get to it because your mind and your focus is on point right now. Gemini--Queen of Pentacles This Queen’s appearance in a Gemini’s home often indicates that you have been too much in your head, perhaps too anxious, too frazzled and you very much need some down town. This Queen can be languid, eco-centered, earthy, relaxed, and full-bodied. It might be a good idea to spend some time doing body work or working with your hands; fixing things around the house, going on walks--quiet your mind and let your body do the work. Cancer--7/Wands What is it that they say? The squeaky wheel gets the grease? You are being called to squeak my friend. Perhaps it has been too long, or you don’t like squeaking but you have been too silent about something that needs advocating. Be brave and speak up. You will ultimately be so glad that you did. Leo-- The Hierophant You are no slouch when it comes to taking on the mantle of leadership and this month you are being asked to do so. This leadership though is a bit conservative, you need to toe the line and be a bit of a rules minder for others as much as for yourself. You are required to rehash and communicate boundaries and procedure to those around you, either in work or family. This probably will not make you very popular right now. Sometimes we have to play the adult every once in awhile. Virgo--2/Swords If you feel pressure from others to make a decision and you just cannot decide, try not to make it this month. With 2/swords in play you are not seeing clearly and just seem kind of unable to make a decision either between things or people. Your indecision is causing issues with relationships but you just cannot be forced to make a move when you in good conscience are not ready. It's ok to take your time right now. (Under pressure) Libra--9/Wands The sense I get here with this is that there is a lot of manufactured drama around you. The key word here is manufactured, most of it does not come from you and is not really even about you but nevertheless it is involving you! This month you will struggle to separate between what is real and what needs your true undivided attention and what is silly nonsense played out by others; this will be difficult because there is entanglement but I think by the end of the month you will understand what is really yours and what is not. Scorpio--8/Cups This month emphasizes sacrifice. What, or who, what process, or habit; what person, or belief needs the chopping block this month, Scorpio? What do you need to let go of to break through to the other side? There is just one small dish of fear that is holding back all the many other courses, the banquet of a promised, amazing result. Sagittarius--2/Cups Whenever people pull 2/cups they are happy for its traditional meaning is romance, but I expand that meaning to also include all of intimate relationships and interactions. These intimate moments are when we are fully our authentic selves engage with another fully authentic self; these are exceedingly rare and beautiful. These can happen with friends, pets, family, even trees. Cultivate intimacy, cultivate depth, look under rocks and ask people what they wish for and when you ask people how they are doing, wait to hear the answer, look for the follow up. Capricorn--The Sun Oh this is an easy song for this card. Everything’s roses, my wild goat! I tend to think of the Sun card as the card of the ‘overreach’ people basking in the sun’s wealth have a plus one of charisma to them and can attempt things they normally cannot at other times. Try out for the job, ask that person out, make a bid on the house-- all on the things that you normally would think, “that’s out of my league.” You may just surprise yourself! Aquarius--2/Wands It is incredible to me that someone, a long time ago figured out that if you rub two sticks together over some kindling, you can make fire. I mean, WHO thought of that? A real caveman genius I bet. And this card, two is wands is kind of like that two, you are holding two sticks and thinking, “what can I make with these?” There is something that needs to burst forth into life from within you. I think that thing will come all in a flash and once that happens you will be there in the dark, rubbing away, trying to make the spark. Give yourself the mental time and space needed to take that spark and make it a fire. Pisces--6/Cups This month, seek joy in ALL the places, especially in the hardest ones. You know what I mean, the old thought-forms the thinking routes we go to when we want to feel sorry for ourselves or give ourselves excuses for why we are the way we are or why our lives are they way they are. Instead of doing that, this month make it a small (but not easy) habit of replacing that thought-form with a joyful memory. Instead of,”Oh here I am late as usual to work, maybe I will get fired like I did last time only last time it was because I was a single Mother woe is me….” Soundtrack, replace this with finding and remembering something that makes you happy, that gives your joy, that fills you with peace. Watch something incredible happen this month. Need more guidance?
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories