Whose image is this? I want to cite!
Personally, I find a more helpful word for this card to be rebirth. After a period of trial and perhaps difficulty you are called to stand Judgement and Judgment is passed favorably upon you. You have passed the test. Moving into a sense of completion, you transform into a new form or vision of being. Undergoing radical alteration creates a more expansive, wise, and vibrant self. All past mistakes and accompanying attachments fall away as you start anew in a the bright light of a new day. Judgement calls us when we have really decided to move on; its the dawn after the divorce is finally filed after a long and trying marriage, the job left so we can truly find our calling. The call of Judgement is the overpowering sense of the Source giving us hope and allowing us to begin again like spring. "Come, come whomever you are, worshipers, wanderers, or lovers of leaving... Ours is not a caravan of despair...come, come again, come."-- Rumi 1. I know the Source is working in my life because... 2. Undergoing radical alteration would look and feel like... 3. I am ready to let go of the following baggage, guilt and attachments... 4. I believe that every day is a new day to begin again, tomorrow I endeavor to...
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I love 10/cups because it often represents happiness and joy shared with family, friends and your community. When joy is shared it only magnifies into brilliant prisms of possibility. And most of our joyous thoughts and memories often are with others or for others. Joy can never be a selfish thing and it is infectious, a beautiful baby smiling lights up a room; we cannot help but be caught by the bug of joy. This slideshow on the Definitions of Joy truly highlight the act of joy in community. We want to share our happiest moments with others, screaming at the top of our lungs, "I love her!" or getting down on one knee in a crowded restaurant, we cannot resist inviting others into our happiness. The other part of this equation is sharing in the joy and good fortune being experienced by others, knowing that as happiness radiates from them, so too, does it shine upon us. 1. When others are experiencing happiness and good fortune I respond in the following ways... 2. Are you present-focused when you are in a state of bliss? If not, why not? 3. When you are in a state of joy, how do you share it with others? 4. What can you do to increase more moments of joy, happiness and well-being? (hint: don't know? check the slideshow!) 4/wands is often called completion. Perhaps that opportunity, that relationship, a job or so on has reached a new level of stability and understanding and now you can take a deep breath and celebrate the milestone you have achieved. Perhaps your friends and family are there to recognize your success with you, welcoming you home with garlands of flowers you enjoy this joyous carefree time. Success of this type can often mean attaining something that is true to who you are and the feeling is expansive. When we feel expansive and open we might also feel carefree, excited and open minded. If you do not feel you are at this point yet in regards to an aspect of your life, visioning this time later on in your daily meditations will help its actual manifestation into your life. 1. Do you allow yourself to celebrate your successes? Do you take compliments and attention from those who love you well, or do you turn the praise aside? 2. What are you working on that is an expression of your truth? 3. Do you visualize the act of completion and celebration now? Is your mind tuned towards positive outcomes or negative worries in regards to this project? 4. What will completion of this project look like for you? |
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories