Advice from Page of Swords
![]() Today's card up for your reflection is the Queen/Swords. In traditional Rider Waite decks there are only three swords in the whole deck that are pointed absolutely upright, this Queen's, Justice, and Ace of Swords. Like Justice, this Queen embodies and symbolizes the ideals of honesty, truth, transparency and an intellectual life devoted to cutting away illusion. This Queen dispels any attempt at coercion, dissembling or manipulation as she cuts to the heart of every issue with her keen and clear thinking. This Queen often comes up in readings when we need to take on the Queen's characteristics; undertaking to resolve an issue and most importantly, when we are not being treated fairly by others. This Queen has very healthy boundaries and is not afraid to let others know when they have crossed the line. 1. I need to shore up the following boundaries with others in my life... I need to do that by... 2. When someone is being dishonest or unclear with me I handle it by... 3. Women are often socialized to 'play nice' and not share outright feelings or opinions if it may be disruptive to others, this is how it has affected me... this is what I need to share... 4. I need to bring clarity in this area of my life... I am going to do that by... ![]() Monday's 5 minute Tarot connection brings you the Knight of Cups! Knight in general in the Tarot mean action, youthful radiance and exploration. The Knight will whisk ladies upon their horse for a gorgeous and inventive night of romance and refinement. This Knight represents romance, sensitivity, imagination and action into one delightful whole. Most of Disney's Princes would fit the character of this Knight of Cups. 1. When was the last time you had a romantic night out? 2. What does romance mean to you outside of 'red roses, moonlit walks'? How can you include more romance in your daily life? 3. Knight of Cups represents the active giving of romance vs. the passive receiving of it, when is the last time you created a romantic atmosphere for another? Do you know that you can create that atmosphere for friends and not just for lovers? 4. Refinement is a word we do not often hear in our modern lives, do you |
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Jenna Matlin
M.S. in Organizational Psychology and Leadership Categories